Reviews of Rose's Home Dish

Our family absolutely loves Rose’s. We will keep ordering as long as you keep making. Great food!!!

—John W

Rose's niche is my stomach.

—Gary Price

Delicious everything! Thank you for cooking like I do so I get a night off and my family enjoys a nice meal too.

—Kim H.

Your summer salads are fabulous! Perfect for these hot hot summer nights.

—Harriet London

Rose is such a superior option to restaurant take-out food on those busy week nights when there is no time to cook. You come home and a real dinner is waiting at your front door. The meals are great and prices are completely reasonable. The menu offers great variety including standard dinners such as pot roast, excellent Indian food and classics like mac-n-cheese (which Rose will load up with veggies of your choice). I cannot recommend Rose's Home Dish enough!

—Marnie Cryer

I don't like to cook. But I do like to eat! Every week I look forward to my "home dish" delivery from Rose. So much deliciousness. I couldn't even begin to name my favorite dish. I love them all. (And let me add: I am NOT a fan of kale! But this week Rose brought over a pot roast meal that included some kale and ohmygoodness it was SO YUMMY, I was shocked ... and pleased!).

Zee Zahava

—irene zahava

We’ve been using Rose’s service for several years. We love the variety, quality and convenience of her meals! She is more than willing to modify the meals to meet personal dietary needs and preferences. The portions sizes are HUGE! It’s like having your own personal chef! I can’t say enough good things about Rose’s Home Dish!

—Stephanie Schaaf

If you are looking for THE answer to marital and familial bliss, look no further. Rose is your woman. We work a Rose meal into our weekly rotation on the kind of nights when everyone is heading in different directions and it would be difficult to prepare a balanced and healthful meal in a short amount of time. Our kids (6 and 9) have been eating and thoroughly enjoying Rose's food for several years, and especially enjoy the pot pies, whether chicken, beef or tofu. The grown ups love the pot pies as well as many, many other dishes. We have come to expect tasty dishes over the years, but are still bowled over every so often by something truly fantastic. I like the option to use glass dishes, and that Rose uses local ingredients and healthy meats. Plus, I bet you can't take a family of four out for fast food for what a Rose meal costs. Gift certificates are nice for families with new babies, sick grown-ups, and friends you love and want to give a nice treat to. Unless you are Martha Stewart, trust me, rose is for you!

—Becca Gergely

I have been a regular patron of RHD for most of the last 4 years unless away for hospitalization or surgery. I am handicapped, using a wheelchair constantly in my apt, idealy planned. All of my food comes from Rose as her menus are interesting, nutritionally superior, and reasonable since I live alone and enjoy having good meals for me or the occasional guest. I obtain a few items from local markets, such as milk, bread, fruit, etc. Other than for those breakfst and lunch items I rely on RHD. We have a good schedule of delivery worked out for my downtown location. I look forward to the on line menu and choose from the excellent variety of complete or 1/2 orders plus a great soup or salad and often extras such as LA gumbo, peanut noodles,
cajun chicken wings, etc. I often order vegetarian with tofu or excellent beef, chicken, seafood, or pork. When I compare various sources of food for costs the most efficient as well as
enjoyable is to rely on Rose's planning and delivery. Always greatly satisfied with Roseshomedish

Visit Rose’s Web Site

—Edward Hart

WARNING - Rose's meals are addictive. Seriously, we have been customers almost from the beginning, and order meals every week we are home. They have become a delicious component of our weekly dining. Happily and highly recommended.

Jean and Mike Davis

—Michael Davis


Rose has been delivering to me at my office for over 4 years. Several of my co-workers have signed up too. I often order a vegetarian dish for myself and another with meat (in a disposable dish) for my elderly father.  It's harder for Dad to cook now, and he enjoys having an excellent casserole he can just pop in the oven. No food preparation, no clean-up.  It's great!

I like to cook, and I really appreciate the quality and variety of Rose's dishes. She is an excellent cook and her seasoning is delicious. It's fun to have new dishes and new flavor combinations that I don't cook myself. Yum.

Thanks for adding the Heart Smart dishes, Rose. 

—Susan Powell

We've been getting Rose's meals for over a 5 years now, and they are fabulous.  I find myself getting excited each Tue., in anticipation of her next creation.  The portions are generous, and we stretch things to last longer than just one meal.  Her soups are outstanding, and we use them as the centerpiece of additional meals.  We occasionally get her salads, and they also are tops. Having cooked for some-50 years, I've gotten really tired of cooking and it's a real treat to have Rose helping out, and doing it so skillfully.  It's the best of home cooking, and really beats eating out.

Betsy Darlington

—Betsy and Dick Darlington

My family has been enjoying Rose's dishes for over a year. It's one day we don't have to cook, and sometimes there are leftovers. The southwestern dishes are especially good, and her soups are excellent. Don't forget to try the foccaccia bread!

—David Furber